PRESENT : J Walker, J Weldon, J Parkhill, W McPadden


GUESTS : Cllr. W Brogan


Minutes of 15 05 12 Approved

Proposed J Weldon         Seconded J Parkhill


1 J Walker attended a meeting with W Rutherglen (Scottish Enterprise Lanark} A Middleton (Greenbelt) K Wishart (Forestry Commission), about the future of the Regeneration Park and how it can be used and who would own it and what investment would be needed to make it a useful facility for the community. The Greenbelt would need some sort of payment to relinquish its ownership, the Forestry Commission require a business plan from the Greenbelt but they do not have one and have no plans to produce one. All parties agree that they would go away and try to move the proposals of the DVRA forward. J Walker also contacted Entrust to enquire about funding for future plans and was given a positive response it was also agreed to meet in the future.

2 Cllr W Brogan will contact L Cunningham of Community Payback to ask how the system works and how it can benefit Drumsagard.

3 Dog fowling at Magnolia Terrace Cllr W Brogan will try to SLC to provide bins.

4 Fun Day 28th July, Halfway Hall Overton